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tv   Early Today  NBC  August 30, 2016 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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for you right here on "mad money." i'm jim cramer, and i'll see you tomorrow! just moments ago apple was hit with over $14 billion in taxes owed following a you pea yan commission investigation. new details surrounding anthony weiner. a pastor backtracks on a defensive tweet about hillary clinton and we'll get a preview of donald trump's immigration speech. >> i'm looking forward to joining donald trump in arizona on wednesday. he'll lay out his commitment to ending illegal immigration in this country.
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make a driver. and meet the stunt woman who made history on american ninja warrior. "early today" starts right now. good to be with you. there is breaking news this morning. apple faces one monster tax bill. after a two-year investigation they ruled ireland gave tax benefits to apple worth they say ireland granted apple illegal tax benefits. apple will appeal the decision. now the news overtaking the campaign trail. the separation between aberdean and her husband, anthony weiner.
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they published photos that it said were of weiner. it was sent to a 40 something divorcee that lives in the west and supports donald trump. weiner said he and the woman have been friends for some time and she has asked me not to comment except to conversations. clinton's second daughter stayed with weiner but now no longer playing the good wife saying after a long and painful work on my marriage i have made the decision to spep rate from my husband. anthony and i remain dedicated to doing what's right for our
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fallout? >> reporter: the two had been staying together in support of their son. she said they will continue to work on that but they have been separated for some time aside from that. weiner is no longer on new york 1 where he had been a political commentator. donald trump pointing the fingers at hillary clinton saying she is like weiner and abedin in her inner circle. >> wow. we'll see what happens when she returns back to the campaign trail. and with 70 days until election day we have fresh polling out from our tracking poll. it shows hillary clinton with a
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beat trump by 8 points. she says she intends to invest in early detection for treatments. they spent the day raising nearly $3 million. the trump campaign found itself after mark burns posted this image of hillary clinton in black face with a read "black americans, thank you for your votes and letting me use you again. see you again in four years. >> the picture is designed to draw attention to the fact that hillary clinton do pander to black people. she do pander. we are not playing the political
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get your message across? >> burns wrote an apology on twitter. the trump camp made the best attempt to move past the dust-up. an interview with wmaz. >> i am looking forward to joining donald trump on wednesday. he will lay out with great specificity his our borders, build a wall, advance the kind of policies that will result in internal enforcement in the united states of america. >> trump tweeted this morning quote from day one i said i would build a great wall on the southern border, stop illegal immigration. watch wednesday. pence visits north carolina and georgia.
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spends another day off the trail. in you this morning u.s. intelligence officials tell nbc news hackers based in russia are behind two attempts to breach voter databases. there has already been widespread concerns russians have been trying to interview after this year's dnc hack but these breaches are more staggering. the theft i voter records in illinois. one tells nbc news, this is the closest weave come to tieing a track to the voter registration hack. the state did take its online voter registration down after
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johnson encouraged better ways. the largest automobile recall in u.s. history look at these. these are photos from the scene of a massive blast at a texas border town. takata confirmed it kill add woman inside and injured a truck's two drivers and passengers in two cars. how it was packaged and shipped. the chemical compound can lead to violent explosions. at least 14 deaths and over 100 injuries have lead to over 100 million recalls worldwide. incredible dash cam video to show you. it is a ten-car pile up. watch this large truck. it comes crashing in from the left side of your screen sending
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the dash cam also captured this image here. they were fighting to put out the flames and ultimately rescuing a woman from a burning vehicle. the mayor's office publicly released the video in an attempt to identify the brave men and women. no one was seriously hurt. reaction pouring inve death of gene wilder. mel brooks wroted gene wilder, one of the truly great talents of our time. he blessed me with his friendship. from steve martin you are one of the great screen comedians. he died of complications from alzheimer's disease at his home
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?? gene wilder was gentle, sweet, hilarious. >> you have got to remember these are just simple farmers. these are people of the land, you >> he started in movies big and small and brought to the screen performances that were unforgettable. from young frankenstein to
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streak. while it was a failure at the box office the role wilder was most identified with and beloved for was willie wonka. we are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dream. wilder was a pillar of guilda's club. wilder, tired of hollywood and once said i like the show but i don't like the business. >> don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted. >> what happened? >> he lived happily ever after. >> gene wilder dead at the age of 83. just ahead, why did pope
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zuckerberg? we'll tell you. we are on the gulf and the atlantic side. it will brush by and head out to sea. the one in the gulf still going to hit florida. it could effect areas from jacksonville to savannah. two hurricanes. this is a category 4 hurricane. it will weaken by the time we fresno about 96 degrees. 96 deg. here is how close that path is to the close here. "early today" back in two. "earl. t tomorrow... ?
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but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ? tomorrow, tomorrow... ? ? i love ya, tomorrow ? in the largest heart failure study ever. entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure... ...kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ? tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow.? ask your heart doctor about entresto. and help make tomorrow possible. ? you're only a day away ?
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people are both soft and strong... yey! which is why our products are too. angel soft. mr. clean gets tough on dirt and grime and grease in just a minute mr. clean will clean your whole house floors, doors, walls, halls he's so tough, he cleans 'em all mr. clean! it's easy to love your laxative... ...when that lax loves your body back. only miralax hydrates, eases, and softens to unblock naturally. so you have peace of mind from start to finish.
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anchts bill would require mandatory sentences for those afor rape. the bill passed the state assembly unanimous lichlt it removes discretion to grant probation in rape released three month early due to good behavior. zuckerberg met with pope francis on sunday. they addressed ways -- he presented him with an unusual gift, that's a drone.
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never forget. you can feel his warmth and kindness. i turned and said i am going to jump out of this truck. i would rather jump out and die. my parent will see my body than to not be found. >> so powerful from her. what happened to one of the 276 schoolgirls captured. she is one of the lucky few that escaped. more than 200 girls still remain in captivity. she spoke about why shi she didn't experience survivor's remorse.
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he gaves me the courage. so i think the courage is like now i'm here and i'm speaking out telling the world my story, telling them what happened. >> it has shown a light on the issue on child trafficking including here in the united states. fast forwarding john mccain is expected to beat to win his primary bid for a sixth term. former dnc chair sanders backed primary challenger. rubio is expected to win his primary bid after reversing his initial decision to step down. you're watching "early today." o" say, have you seen all the amazing technology in geico's mobile app? mobile app? look. electronic id cards, emergency roadside service,
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wow... yep, geico's mobile app works like a charm. geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. what body aches? what knee pain? what sore elbow? advil liqui-gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. [music] people are both soft and strong... yey! which is why our products are too. angel soft. man, my feet same time tomorrow, fellas!? dr. scholl's massaging gel work insoles absorb a hard day on your feet for comfort that keeps you feeling more energized. dude's got skills. dr. scholl's work insoles. wait...
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at del monte, corn is packed at the peak of freshness with just water and a dash of sea salt. nothing else.
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investors look friday's jobs report. it could have consumers concerned today. good morning. what can we expect to see at the pump? >> good morning to you. there may be less oil on earth. it shows they discovered only able about a tenth as last year since 1960. they are expected to find even less this year raising concerns there may not be enough crude to
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wednesday where it is expected to release the iphone 7. the tenth anniversary is next year. it is expected to be more water resistant because of the removal of the headphone jack. traders say markets are pricing for hillary clinton based on how the s&p is performing. since 1944 the incouple want person has been reelected 82% of the time when the s&p rose from august through october. back over to you. >> fascinating to have that talk on landslide already. thank you very much. just ahead, could ahead
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and jessie graft does what no other woman has ever done before. you're watching "early today." ? get your jeans game on at kohl's. ? ? ? get your active game on at kohl's. [music] no, no, no, no, people are both soft and strong... yey! which is why our products are too.
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it's easy to love your laxative... ...when that lax loves your body back. only miralax hydrates, eases, and softens to unblock naturally. so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. miralax. i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. tide. number one rated.
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what body aches? what knee pain? what sore elbow? advil liqui-gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. quilted northern works so well people can forget their bathroom experience. but sir froggy can never forget. "what's worse", he thinks... "that my arms can never relax or my eyes can never look away?" ? last night on american ninja warrior the first woman to complete stage one ton show. three stages to the final. you to get past the second one. she is incredible.
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she was a poll vaulter. she has amazing endure rans. she is very nimble and agile too. >> stage two and three she has got it right there. how about this for a challenge when it come to these two. former mayor rudy giuliani is claiming he saved more black lives than anyone on stage. here i after walking the red carpet beyonce gave a performance that elude today police brutality. giuliani said i ran the largest and best police department in the world and i saved more black lives than any of the people you saw son stage.
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>> this is "early today." this " ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur... ...such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see me. on my way. find clear skin... and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine,
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all right. just look at this. at least nine people after the reign of bulls event. the scene turned into chaos. they were let loose to charge the people try today grab the ropes several of the injured festival goers were gored like this man. -- >> this guy right here? >> yes. it is to enjoy the world's first human head transplant. the doctor who compared himself
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could save his patient's life. >> the chances of this working are 90%. >> the operation could take place next year. they plan on color coding to make reattachments. astronomers searching for life are in high gear this morning. the northern california to check reports of a strange signal spike 95 light years away. the news went unreported. researchers are trying to rule out manmade interference. all of it over my head when it come to that kind of science. there is a new job opening at buckingham palace.
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and a lot of incredible per ks. how about a vam couple cleaner too. tell us about that job. squl that's right. if you ever wanted to live in a palace this is your chance. they are looking for a housekeeping assistant. this is no standard housekeeping role. you'll work and live in stunning historic prepared to present the palace the best to the royal family and other guests. you'll clean irreplaceable paintings. you don't need a background in cleaning. 33 days vacation a year, pension plan. i think a lot of people will be applying. >> maybe you can get promoted to full on housekeeper. thank you. thanks so much for watching "early today." have a great tuesday. we'll see you right back here
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nevada congressman forced to take a break from campaigning to keep his seat. how is he doing headed your way. >> dana: campaign trouble. hillary clinton and donald trump facing controversy this morning and it isn't about anything either candidate has said or done. the issues that they are facing ahead. plus -- kim remembering gene wilder. a look back at his legendary career and personal struggles we
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>> dana: good morning. 4:29 on this tuesday. sun will be up in about an hour and a half from now on this final tuesday of august 2016. >> kim: anyone waking up and thinking of all the great movies gene wilder was a part of. >> dana: absolutely. one of my favorite was young frank >> kim: we're the wagners, kim and dana here at ksnv. >> dana: 105, we don't have too many of those left, do we? >> kelly: hopefully this will be one of the last. as you head out the door this morning, we're looking at 80-degree temperatures in the


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